Friday, April 8, 2011

Videos on African Art, Buddhism, and Hinduism

I enjoyed viewing these videos because they gave more details of the cultural facts given in the text. I have always been familiar with African art, but now know why their sculptures look like they do. They are conceptual art using imagination and ideas, versus perception art using humanlike features like other sculptors we learned about. There are several cultures in the Congo region and have all influenced African art with such things as dance, hairstyles and dance.The second video I watched, The Legacy of Oppression told how masks were used to scare off people and each one had a purpose. This video also showed the living exhibit of people actually in museums posing until sickness and death.

Buddhism explained some of the same facts as the text, with more emphasis on the Bodhi Tree, their symbol. The Buddah was the god and their belief was to extinguish desire. The enormous temple was built around the large statue with no pillars to obstruct its view. It also explained the 2 groups, Hinayana and manhanyana. Their monuments are built to be heaven on earth.

Hinduism explained how the River Ganges is their symbol of life, death and rebirth (reincarnation). It showed a live cremation that may be moving to those who believe, but disturbing to Non Hindus, as it was to me. They have many statues depicting sexual activity, but Kumasatra is creation in their minds and not shameful as some might think. The architecture is elaborate and decorative. Their motto is “you can’t take it with you”.

I wished I had viewed these videos before I visited the temple in Hawaii with the Buddah. I would have appreciated it more and understood the reasoning behind the art and architecture.

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