Saturday, February 12, 2011

Photobucket Experience

What seemed to be easy at the beginning of this week, is a nightmare on Saturday. My computer skills are improving greatly, but not the best. It was no problem setting up the account on Photobucket. I then snapped various pictures to put on the computer. Not an easy task, Hard to choose what to photograph.Then, I could not import them onto my daughter’s Apple computer. That evening was totally wasted.
She showed me how to do the import the next day, only to find out some of the snapshots taken said “No file data saved”. This is a new camera and do not know what this means. The picture shows up on the camera, downloads on to the computer, but when I try to save them to Photobucket, they did not save. It commented “files not saved”. Ugghh!!
I took more pictures, made sure they worked, then put them on Photobucket. Hooray, I did it!!!! Now I have to pick which ones go with the proper element or principle. Decisions, decisions!!!! Ok, I finally did that only after I closed the wrong window a few times and had to get the wireless mouse out because I am not good at the little control pad on the Apple. Hours later I have the pictures in tack. I set up the slide show. It is now Friday night. More decisions on which way to present them. After I picked one, I can not fiqure out how to embed it in the blog. Help!!!!
It is now 3:31 pm on Saturday and frustrated. I am not sure which way I am supposed to “share “ this or how to get it onto the blog. I have learned more than I can absorb right now. I will have it in here someway, somehow and hope it is right.


  1. I have tried many times, consulted the help tab and I still can not embed the photobucket slide show. The one I pasted into our Angel posting shows the whole page not just the slide show. Any suggestions??

  2. Good work on your project there!!! I really enjoyed the variety photo. There is a lot of variety in it and i couldn't have thought of a better photo to describe it. Good job!!
