Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Art Curator Project #4

Art curator blog
After I tried to log in to Art stor with no success, I surfed the AskArt site. I decided on women artists as my theme, with “female artists making history” as the subject matter. Hours later I now have a few art pieces for my first blog. 
I attempted to again log on to the ArtStor, only after I contacted them by email. The webmaster advised me that I needed to first click on to Butler Library, then register on the ArtStor link. I did it. Now, I searched my topic with endless possibilities. I put several art works on a power point from the VDS resource site and the AskArt site, the only problem, the year was not provided, more research. The ArtStor link gave the year and other information I needed but, I could not figure out how to copy or get the image from that site to my power point, more research.
 After I read the discussion forum, I searched a site on one the classmates used, Artchive. I found some information there, which led me to the National Museum of Women Artists in Washington that I did not know even existed. More time and research.
There was plenty of information on one artist in particular, Georgia O’Keeffe, that I enjoyed reading about and could not decide which piece to exhibit. When I tried to click on a few of the links or images in Google of her works, it would lead me to links or sites that are of sexual references. One page could not be connected by Safari. Then reading  more about her and reanalyzing her art, I realized the intention by the artist, very sexual innuendos.  I included a plate by O’Keeffe that is used in the installation work of Judy Chicago that I also have in my display. Much to my surprise when I read the excerpt about Chicago and the representation on the “butterfly” plates representing the female genitalia. tell the story of the impact of this historical installation.
I now have to do more technical issues with the hyperlinks for each source. I did not do it right and had to re find them all. I know I put more into it than necessary, it consumed every nite four or five hours, because I would read about each artist to decide which one to use, than search for the right art work. I like variety and wanted one of each genre of art in this display. Time consuming to find a woman artist in stained glass that made history. All the images are not on all sites.  I learned so much creating the power point, not just the technicalities of completing it on a Mac with Keynotes, but the lives and works of 20 women artists. 

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